Friday, November 2, 2012

The Mommy Sitters

     Today is a big day for our boy; he is going to look for his first home. I was so very happy we were in a position to experience this event. Even though they wanted me to go I knew it would be better if I waited at the condo. The MSA, which was causing many balance issues and walking issues, would just slow them down.  I knew they would accomplish much more if I wasn’t there. With the progression of the MSA I knew it made more sense for me to stay home.
     My Fille and her husband were coming to Mommy-sit me today. My Hunny and Boy left for Kingston. Hunny did the clean up before he left but didn’t have time to make the bed and said he would do it when he got back but I wanted the bed made before my daughter arrived. I proceeded to make the bed, when I went to make Hunny’s side of the bed I really noticed how the MSA was affecting my balance. I fell, not like a sack potatoes but like more like a tree, “timber”. Down I went sideways into the nine-foot window. The glass supported me thankfully but when I fell I landed on the sill, which was made of marble. I just laid there I could not get up because my legs can no longer push me up. I thought so much for this Lifeline because it did not go off. I just finished thinking this when I heard,“ your Lifeline call is in progress”. I thought oh shoot, how I am going to get up, because the first person of contact is Hunny, I did not want him to get a call and be all panicked thinking I was hurt. I managed to drag myself to the bed like a paraplegic, because my legs were useless. I got up using the bed to push myself, so when the call went through I was able to answer, but when the call went through the person at the other end had said about five times that they detected a fall. I reassured him that he was right, I had fallen but I was okay.
     My daughter and her husband arrived to Mommy-sit me. I told her what happened so she checked the bruise and my backside was black and blue and had a big lump in it.  I did not want to ruin the day my daughter and her husband, so I down played my injury, the main thing was nothing was broke or cut. Maybe I was like a cat with 9 lives, the windows were 9 feet high and they did not break and I did not break anything. I put ice on it and took ibuprofen, this helped a lot.

        We went to the farmers market at the college, I was using my walker, and it folds like an accordion so we were able to stick it in the back of the car. We were walking around looking at the artists when I felt like I was going to pass out. The thing is with MSA it can affect your sweat glands. I do not really sweat and tend to over heat; this is what was happening so we came home.

      Once we were home I felt better. The Mommy-sitters played scrabble with me, and watched a movie, Red Riding Hood. We had a fun time; I think we will get these Mommy-sitters again. 

     Hunny and our son returned and they had looked at probably 18 houses. Our son had seen a potential house, which was very exciting. 


     To me, this is what makes a successful family, is everyone doing their part no matter how big or small, everyone chips in to reach a common goal.

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