We arrived at my mother-in-law's on Friday evening. I have been going there for 27 years and we sleep in the room downstairs, the one my Hunny slept in when he was just a boy. Now, when when we go I can’t go downstairs so, we have to sleep on the main level. I know to most people this doesn’t sound like a big deal but it is for me. Often, I know the solution, but it is having the choice that is the problem. When the choice is made for you, it is a different story. That is what MSA does for you,it makes the choice for you.
It would be slow going but when I am in a wheel chair there
will be so much I cannot do. Have you ever thought about this? There is no way my
husband could push me through the snow. Maybe, if I was on a sled, but getting down is
an issue and I don’t have the strength in my legs to push me up. Another event
I will have to psyche myself up for. There will be lots of people, which makes
if difficult to meander around, and it is very slippery. I will have to hold on
the whole time. I tend to not lift my feet high enough now but with snow there
is no traction, I was scared to death, but no one knew this. The people in
wheel chairs probably don’t get out much in the winter.

Of course, I am always so cold so, I will have to dress warm,
and there is always the bathroom issue. I remind myself of my kids when they
were young, you just get ready and you have to use the facilities. So, where
ever we go now the first thing I do is check where the facilities are. This
would deter most people but there are things I want to see and do, and Carnival du Quebec is one of them.

From here we drove to the Ice Hotel. Again, it was
amazing. They have 42 rooms you can rent
for the night but why? I get cold enough without sleeping on a block of ice. Why
would some pay to have their butt frozen off is beyond me, but still neat to see.
After, we toured the place we stopped and had some Amaretto out of one of their
glasses that was made from a block of ice. We bought a glass version as a souvenir. More photos

When we got back to my mother-in-law's we chatted and had a great dinner. We had a few laughs. I am so grateful to have wonderful in-laws. I have always felt welcomed there, we have never had a misunderstanding in 27 years.
The next day, on the way back we stopped and had coffee with my husband's dad.
We were on the way home and on our way to my sis’s for a dinner party….but that is next
week’s entry!
I live that picture of you two. You know the one :)
Hi Brenda, I miss taking a walk on our beautiful beach - another thing you can do with a wheelchair - I yearn for that feeling of the soft, slightly damp sand under my feet and seeing my footprints in the sand. Hugs