So, Winter Camp started the 27th of December 2011.
I know in my heart this will be my last trip anywhere alone. I know it is a long time to be gone and my
Hunny is worried but it will work out, I have been telling him to get another hobby
besides me, so he is going to start guitar. That makes me very happy. I knew it would be difficult, it would be the first time not celebrating the New Year in 26 years and I won't see my kids for three weeks but, knew this something
I have to do, while I can.

It was not a long flight but I was very nervous. I was
worried about where the bathroom was and if I had to go how I would get there? I did not want to fall on anyone. My other worry was if I had a non- breathing
episode. We changed flights in Halifax
and there was a young mom and baby, sitting beside me. They were so sick, the
mom actually started to get sick while holding the baby. I could not offer to help and was hoping I did not catch what they have. That leg of the trip was the flight from hell. If I sit for too long, I get cramped and these small seats
with a sick mother were not helping. But, I got there all in one piece and still breathing!
As you know I have a pretty big family and there are still eight
on the Island, so I decided to stay with four of my sisters while there,
“spread the wealth”. I would stay with
my nephew who picked me up at the airport first, until after the wedding. I
would be spending lots of time with the others. The other's worked long hours, or no
one was home during the day, or they lived too far out in the country, so this is the best way. That way no one person would feel burdened and get tired. It is going to be nice getting some one-on-one time with family!
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