Merry Christmas!

We got up at 8:30... things were so different this year. There was no one to wake us up this year, so we will have to change that tradition. Usually, our son wakes us, and then I go and put the lights on the tree and then the coffee, but things are different now. I guess everything is new, even some new traditions!

The kids are coming over in their PJ’s of course we are opening the gifts and then we will be having breakfast. Our son-in-law had to work so we will have a celebration for him later. The kids arrived around 9:30. Let the fun begin!
We had been looking for a print to put above the sofa with some color and we found the perfect picture at English Butler. We wrapped it and hung it on the wall as a joke. Turns out this is an actual spot in Toronto, it is a street with lots of cafes and a restaurant called the Kit Kat, hopefully we will be going to check it out this summer.
We usually hide their major gifts with clues in the other gifts. This year we will have improvise. I had been collecting change for a couple of years, we were
going to go to Scotland, but we will not be doing this now. It would be
difficult with the MSA. I wanted to be rid
of the change so I counted it, and split it up evenly. I found two metal
Christmas tins and put over $300 in each and placed it under the tree. Everyone
just thought it was part of the decorations. We took the one can and told the
kids who ever guessed the amount closet to the real amount got the can and could
keep the money. Our son guessed the closest so we gave him the can, they were
surprised that we were going to give him the can. Then, they were even more
surprised to learn there was a second can, and of course our daughter guessed
the closest to the real amount in this tin.

Hunny got a head set and a leather jacket. The headset he had been wanting for some time and will come in handy, and the jacket just looks good on him.

We put the dinner in the oven and spent the day together just like old times. It was a perfect day. We have to cherish these moments and take it all in. It felt good to be around so much love and support.
Now time to get ready for Winter Camp!
Family is what its all about and should be cherished and a picture painted in our hearts for all time along with the love we have for each other.God to all.xxoo