Friday, June 7, 2013

Last Week of Fall Camp

The last week of fall camp started with a party and ended with a party.

One of my niece’s came and brought her mother and I to Louisbourg. The scenery was beautiful. I didn’t know that there was a lighthouse here.

As you know, one of symptoms of MSA is bladder control, which I do not have. So, I have a catheter, which my niece and I took the opportunity to name it Cathy.

 We drove around and took lots of pictures of the fortress. Some of oldest rocks are there.

A few days later, one of my brothers invited us over for dinner. When we arrived, we saw that he had made a ramp to help me get inside. It was pretty steep, so I was nervous to go up, but I made it.

The dinner was great. We reminisced about a product called Jets. My brother had found the bottom of the container. This brought back memories of when we were kids and the used them to fill up their dump trucks and I would tell them to fill up the potholes in the driveway. We had lots of fun and laughs.

After dinner, I had to go back down the ramp. My brother knew I was nervous and he told me he would take me down the ramp backwards. He reminded me that only his hands were holding the wheelchair and when we got to the bottom I noticed we were both wearing our purple MSA bracelets. He said to me, “Luckily for you, today is bracelet day and you can go on that ride as many times as you want.”

Another night, we went to my sister’s friend’s house. We had a nice dinner of haddock, potatoes and veggies. For dessert, we had bread pudding.  His son, who has cerebral palsy, was worried about me that night. His other son showed me his carvings that he had made; one was a boat with the number 13 on it. It was a late night, but we had a good time.

The last event before we left was one of my niece’s birthday. Everyone came to say goodbye to us. As usual, there were lots of stories, laughter and love.

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