Today we go to see Dr. Grimes or He Who Shall Not Be Named.
He is the movement specialist but there is a lack of movement in this body. He
is the one who diagnosed the MSA just two short years ago. I am not looking
forward to it because he is going to ask about my falls and I am going to have
to tell him about the fall against the window and the fall I had yesterday. I
was being so careful and sat on the couch closest to the armrest so I would
have it as support when getting up. When it came time to get up my legs
deceived me and gave up. I fell into the end table then continued forward and
tried to grab the ottoman and pushed it into the chair while falling into the
patio door. I thought the stain glass lamp was going to fall on my head.
Thankfully it just rocked back and forth and did not fall on my head. Again no
cuts or a broken bone just bruises. As
telling this to Dr. Grimes he said what I thought he would say, I must use my
walker at all times now because there is no warning with MSA you just fall. To think when I just want to get up and go
get something or move there is no doing this, even if I want a coffee I cannot
get a coffee and push my walker. Another freedom gone!
It is amazing the things we take for granted until they are
gone. I cannot tell you how many times I have been sitting and thought will
just get up and grab that. But there is no more just doing anything any more.
My three point turns are now fifteen point turns. When moving to the left I
seem to have more trouble. So there is no thinking what is fastest when turning
I have to go to the right.
On a brighter note two of my friends are coming for a visit.
Turns out that my friend from Alaska has a woman cousin who is married to my
other friend’s husband’s cousin. It is such a small world in some regards. When these friends came over we planned a
lunch of finger foods. I have been friends with each of these ladies and it was
going to feel god bringing them together. We had a nice lunch, lots of laughs
and a great visit.
My daughter’s mother-in-law was on a cruise on the Queen Mary 2. A luxury liner which is fastest in the world. When she got back she wanted to visit as well. She came one evening
and we talked about her trip.
In the course of her conversation she mentioned
how important it was to get a Madonna medal and have it blessed for me at the
Notre Dame Cathedral in France, one of the best known churches in the world. This meant so much to me not only because it was the Madonna but she is
of a different religion but realized how much this means to me.
A person has to remember all these good intentions; support
and prayers are not going unnoticed, and that blessings come in many forms!
Hi Brenda, I enjoy reading your blog every week. My sister also has MSA.
ReplyDeleteI just wanted to note something that happened to my sister. Sometimes even though she was using the walker she would fall--the fall would be backwards! So just a little warning.
Brenda you are looking wonderful. You are a very strong woman and I always keep you in my thoughts and prayers!