Well, it seems the MSA is advancing, so, it is time to start realizing the time has come for some equipment. A Case Manager from CCAC came and assigned a Physiotherapist, for a fall I had back in June, and a Speech Therapist, because I am having trouble swallowing and choke occasionally. I hurt my shoulder and it is not getting better. Of course, it probably does not help that each time I lose my balance (which is daily) I try to counter act by grabbing onto door frames or chairs with this arm.

The occupational therapist has recommended grab bars for the shower and also a walker. I have been having lots of falls without warning, When I fall it is not like a sack potatoes, it more like a tree, “timber”. I noticed few things that we have to change our thinking on this. We should not be thinking we are disabled, we need to think it will make us more abled. Also instead of thinking the walker folds like a wheel chair, I told my therapist we have decided to say it folds like an accordion. We also have special parking, which we refer to as privileged parking. It is all the frame of mind.
This week we are also celebrating my 48th birthday. Hard to believe one year ago I ran a marathon, (42 km) in May and then 21 km in The Army Run September, and now we are talking about me getting a walker. A person would think, she must have been in some major accident, to end up here. But according to “The notorious THEY”, I was doing everything right. I guess I should have been doing more of what we are discouraged from, like smoking, drinking and eating garbage food. Who Knew?
A goal for my birthday, which was September 23rd, (remember were looking back) was to launch this Blog. Which I did, and I remember thinking are there whose who are going to want to read this? I also thought if I get 1000 people I will feel like perhaps I have something to say that someone would want to read. Well here we are six months later and I have had over 10,000 views. Very happy about this.
The day of my birthday my friend and I went for walk with her assistance and walking stick. We went and got gelato. Since everyone in my family but me has had Thai, I wanted to try it. My children came for dinner and we ordered Thai. It is now a family joke because everyone liked it but the Birthday girl. My Hunny got me a Blackberry Bold, which has a bigger screen and full keyboard. If I need him, it would be easier to contact him. My kids gave me a basket with a gift certificate for The Moulin Wakefield Spa, it also had bath treat stuff and a Tommy sweater because I am always cold. I also received so many well wishes on Facebook. Once again, I am reminded how much love and fortune surrounds me.
Happy birthday Brenda. May this be a year of health and love (by those who are close to you and your distant friends whom you touch by your courageous blog.
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday Brenda - your courage is admirable and I am glad you took to blogging your journey. We all have something to share with the world and never know when something we have said means something significant to someone out there. Hugs from South Africa x