Dr. Grimes |
What a way to start a month, especially when there is a wedding taking place. I had an appointment with He Who Shall Not Be Named .My Hunny took me to this appointment, as we did not want a repeat of September. Each time I go, I set myself up for disappointment. I think he is going to tell me that they made some terrible mistake and I do not have MSA but something treatable... I am always disappointed. I saw my Doc’s apprentice first, who I do not really care for. I realize he wants to specialize in Movement Disorders but, I feel like he is more concerned with checking off the boxes on the sheet than listening to me, and it is a waste of my precious time. I told him about my swallowing difficulties and how sometimes I choke on my own salvia and he said this is part of the MSA. Well, thank you, but I already know that He did not offer any suggestions on how to deal with this. I reminded him that it could be scary when, say, I don’t know, maybe, at the pool and I cannot breathe and there are a bunch of 70 and 80 year olds looking at me and trying to help. I also told him about the terrible leg cramps I get. I cannot stand of my tippy toes, as I will get leg cramps. I also get cramps putting on my pants, socks, and shoes. I would give anything if I could stretch, you know, like a cat does. Wouldn’t that feel good? If I do stretch like that I have instant Charlie Horse. So, this smart doc says that is a complaint we hear often but we don’t treat this. Hello! Thankfully, He Who Shall Not Be Named came in and I shared the same info with him. He told me to up the dosage of the meds and see if this works and he is going to send me to an ENT to see how strong my vocal cords are. He also said the big thing when choking is to try and get the throat to relax and remember you can breathe through your nose. This is important to remember, because you tend to panic when not getting air and forget this. Thank you! I will not be seeing his apprentice anymore. He just frustrates me. Let him play doctor with someone else. This is over now, on to better things, like planning a wedding! One week to go and there is a wedding going to happen! All the family started to arrive. That meant my sister, the 4th oldest, was coming the week before to help me out. She asked, "where will I stay?" and I said, "in V’s room" (my sister who had been there in March). She said, "she has been to see you once and she already has a room named after her?" This gave me an idea. When B arrived, I had everyone who ever stayed in this room name on a piece of paper and stuck on the door. Of course, I told her I forgot to change the sign, so I proceeded to go through the names and hers was at the back. We had a good laugh over this.

The next day, we got a message from another sister G, bragging about the size of the lobster she was having, well wouldn’t you know it we went to the Superstore and who was there but Lobsterman. We could not contain our laughter and tried to ask, so as not to insult him, if we could get a picture taken with him. We sent this on to Cape Breton, of course. I am sure you can tell what kind of visit we were going to have?

B was here for Mother’s Day, as well. I told my kids I wanted pizza and beer for this occasion. Just simple, the most important thing was to have everyone together. We went to the Byward Market, for the day and the kids came that evening. They arrived with two bouquets of flowers. They brought 2 dozen roses for me and a mixed set for B. They also gave me two charms for the Pandora bracelet they bought me for Christmas. One charm was a bouquet of flowers with my birthstone and the other was a house, they also made me a slideshow with over 200 pictures. I am very proud to call them my children, not because they give me things but because they give me things from the heart, things that matter. What a great Mother’s Day!

Lots of family came this week. There were five sisters who came, the five oldest ones, along with nieces and nephews. They started arriving the Wednesday. My nephew from Cape Breton stayed with my son, but came for a visit to see our new surroundings. My husband’s family was arriving the day of the Wedding and planned on staying the weekend. I was trying not to think this far ahead as it was going to be the first time I saw family since I was diagnosed and it would be the first time seeing some friends. I may look fine on the outside until I walk or talk, but inside there is great turmoil. I did not want the foucs to be on me, I wanted it on the Bride and Groom for their special day!!

One of my sisters said it was the calmest wedding she ever attended. Just three days away.Everything was ready. The venue was booked, the hotel, the food, flowers and the bus. The last fitting done, the bridesmaid dresses were delivered, the veil was bought, the tuxes delivered and we found shoes.
Let's have a party! Cannot wait to see everyone and to see my little girl walk down the isle! Although there will be a lot of mixed emotion, this is what we all want: to know we taught our children well and they are confindent to go and start their future, and make dreams come true.
Beautiful and sad as usual. Brenda,you have such a flair for story telling,I wonder where you get that talent from,maybe your dad.You are not only an inspiration to me but my hero.I don't think words could ever tell you how much I admire your courage and faith.I love you more then words can express. Your sister Bertha.