Well another month has gone by. When you know about how much
you have in front of you, you cherish every moment. I often feel I have so much
to do that there are not enough hours in the day. When you have a disease like
MSA every second counts.
Fortunately for us I have a very large family, who I get
along with. They are always coming to see us, or phoning to see how we are
managing, or me going there. We have lots
of friends some new and some old. Some I met because of MSA, some that I had
before MSA and some we lost because of MSA.
One of my nieces stopped by to visit. This is the second
time she was able to come for the night.
We had a nice walk and talk. I was able to reintroduce her to a mutual friend whom I see on a regular basis.
Can you imagine not only finding out you have a rare disease
like MSA, which has no cure, but it also feels like you are slowly loosing
control of not only your body bit by bit but also your relationships. Some of
the stories I have heard and seen have left me disheartened. When people need
their love one’s most they seem to have abandoned them.
They say this is a lonely disease but
thankfully my circumstances are different, because of family and friends l will never have to worry about bring alone!