Not only has he been a fantastic Dad over the years but he
has been the kid’s and my hero. We have had many postings over the years and
lived many places, but no matter where we lived or what job their dad had, they
could always rely on his honesty, integrity, dependably and fairness. Over the
years the kids and I could always count on their dad to do the right thing. This love has been our glue!
I was worried when diagnosed with MSA about ending up alone,
not by anything Hunny said or did but because MSA is referred to a lonely
disease and I know why. When diagnosed
with MSA it is not only changes the person diagnosed but loved ones as
well. I think even though we may not like the answer it is important to ask the hard questions and do not assume. I do not want us to be together because it is the right thing to do;
I wanted us to be together because even though I was sick with MSA we want to
be together. When I asked this question Hunny reminded me of something I must
remember, “Look at you through my eyes”. This is hard for me.
I think it is good for the kids to know and see how we treat someone we
love when they are sick. So I tell them how their father does manicures,
pedicures, dyes, combs my hair, and helps me get in and out of chairs. Hunny is
always there no matter what I need, this is good for his children to see.
The next day we went for a long walk. I should say Hunny
pushed me in my chair (Rollin) along the way we stopped to have a coffee at
Starbuck’s, when we got back we split a beer on the patio. That night we
watched a movie Journey to Mysterious Island.