I have mentioned that I have a large family, so if they each
take a different month to visit it will take a year to go through them all. Isn’t
it great!
I realized how tough
it is for my family to see me melting away. I was always strong and healthy before MSA, now I am weak and fragile. In one year, I went from running 42 km, to a walking
stick and now a walker. You know what is down the line, and how far we do not
know, for MSA progresses different for everyone.
So, the next oldest sister next to me is coming for a visit.
I have not seen her in a year and although I send regular updates of my
condition it is different seeing someone and hearing from someone. The last
time we saw each other, which was only eleven months ago, I was walking on my
own accord, now I have Sky, who assists me. The first encounter will be tough.
So, we picked my sister up at the airport, she is coming for
two weeks. It will be nice to have some one on one time with her. The first
night I planned a surprise potluck. My
other two sisters who live here in Ottawa,and their families. We had fun and lots of laughs!
Over the two weeks, we took my sister to a few of our
favorite spots, like Starbucks on the weekend and walking along Richmond Road,
the Byward Market, and the Rideau Centre. It was the first time taking my walker
on the bus. Thank goodness I was not alone for this, because I never would have
been able to lift it on the bus. It is hard to believe just a few months ago I
was getting compliments on my “pipes”. I would ride my Spinner while lifting
weights. I had a routine of weights that I did 3 times a week...those days are

We went to St. Laurent Mall where she got a beautiful dress at Melanie Lynn’s, another favorite store of mine. It is funny how the mind works. We were going to visit our other sister who lives close to the St. Laurent mall. First my sis who was visiting wanted to go to Cinnabon to get a treat to bring with us, we did that, but, when we get to my sister’s she tells us she made us homemade cinnamon rolls when she knew we were coming for a visit.
I suppose that is why they refer to it as comfort food.
The highlight of her trip was when we went with my children to see the Transiberian Orchestra. It was a laser show to Christmas music. I knew she had not seen something like this. It was a great night!
It was time to take her to the airport but it was not as
hard to say good-bye because I knew I would be in Cape Breton for New Year’s, since my niece is getting married. So, Christmas and then I will be in Cape Breton to bring in the New Year!