We were pretty settled in our condo by the beginning of March. That meant it was time to start entertaining! Our first visitors were friends of ours from Barrie. They dropped by to say hi. Even though we moved from Barrie back in 2000, we still have good friends there. It was nice to see them and show them our new digs. Actually, it was a big year for this group as a lot turned 50!
I will not be driving anymore so we decided to sell Max, my smart car we had bought for me to drive to work, and to to errands around town. I knew this would be giving up a lot of my independence but, I knew I'd have to consider others safety, too, as my reflexes are not the same. I’ve only had my Smart car for a year and just love it, it is great on gas and I never have a parking issue but I know this is best for everyone and only minor in what I will lose if you look at the big picture. So, I said goodbye to Maxwell Smart and a part of my independence.
I am fortunate in that I have a very large family, 12 members in fact. If they all take a turn in visiting each month we will take up a whole year. Our first visitor is a sister that is just three years older. She came for March Break to spend it with me. I know how hard it is on my family to see me is this condition. I was always considered the health nut of the family.
It is funny having a condition like this because everyone wants to help you but you want to do things the way you always used to. My family is no different, so I had to remind my sister that there will be lots of time in the future to do things for me, but now she had to let me do them while I am still able. I started to say a phrase to add some humor and break the awkwardness. If they see I am having a hard time cutting something and they want to help, I just say to them, “You can’t stand it, eh, you want to do it, but I am not going to let you”. This always gets a chuckle and they are able to relax and wait for me to ask for help if I need it.
We had nice visit with our other sister who lives in the city, lots of walking, some shopping and visiting some little cafes. The area was still new so, we were basically exploring together. We even managed to get lost a couple of times. I got a phone call from some girl friends from Barrie asking if they could come visit, so I said, "Sure, when would that be?", and I was informed they were on their way, ha-ha. It looks like we are going to take advantage of the guest’s suites downstairs.
My poor husband was out numbered by woman, again. He loves all this distraction I am getting as it keeps my mind busy. My friends and sister hit it off and we had a blast. I teased them that they really came to Ottawa to visit my her. We took some pictures by the canal and I was accidently cut out of them, so I said, "This is proof that they did not come to see me". Ha Ha!
We went to see Parliament, and walked by the Rideau Canal and went to the Rideau Centre as well. We had a great visit and laughed so much. Just what I needed, food for the soul, love and laughter.
My friends went back to Barrie but I knew I would see them in a couple of months , it was a different story saying good bye to my sister. Cape Breton is not next-door and I did not know when I was going to get to see her again or what condition I would be in when that time came. A year is like a lifetime with this disease, next time I saw her, I would probably have a walker.
But no time to think of this there is so much coming, like a Bridal Shower,Easter and a Wedding!